la - of (05) (possessive concord)
labalabela - crave for
labalabela - desire much
Labobedi - Tuesday
Labohlano - Friday
Labohlano le molemo (s.5) - Good Friday
Labone - Thursday
Laboraro - Wednesday
laboratori (s.9) dilaboratori (pl.10) - laboratory
laeborari (s.9) dilaeborari (pl.10) - library
laela - command (v.)
laela - instruct (v.)
laetsa - direct (v.)
lahla - abandon (v.)
lahla - dump (v.)
lahla - throw away (v.)
laisa - load (v.)
lakaletsa - wish for (v.)
lakatsa - desire
lakatsa - wish (v.)
lamunu (s.9) dilamunu (pl.10) - orange (fruit)
lane - demonstrative pronoun (05) that (yonder)
laola - control (v.)
laola - regulate
lapa - hungry (become ...) (v.)
lapile - hungry (be ...) (v.)
lata - fetch (v.)
latela - follow (v.)
laya - correct (v.)
laya - reprimand (v.)
le - and (between words)
le - it
le - objectival concord (05)
le - subject concord (05)
le - together with
le - you (subject conc pl.)
le ?e ? - which ? (05)
le a duma. - it is thundering
le ha - even if
le ho leka! - certainly not!
le lebe - bad (05) (adj.)
le lebe - ugly (05) (adj.)
le lefubedu - red (05) (adj.)
le leholo - big (05) (adj.)
le lekaakang ! - how big ! (05)
le lekae ? - how big ? (05)
le lekae ? - how much ? (05)
le lekana ka - as big as (05) (adj.)
le lekgunong - brown (light ...) (05) (adj.)
le lekgutshwanyane - short (05) (adj.)
le lelelele - long (05) (adj.)
le lelelele - tall (05) (adj.)
le leng - alone (05) (adj.)
le leng - certain (05) (adj.)
le lenyane - little (05) (adj.)
le lenyane - small (05) (adj.)
le lenyenyane - small (05) (adj.)
le lepinki - pink (05) (adj.)
le leputswa - blue (05) (adj.)
le leputswa - grey (05) (adj.)
le lesehla - yellow (05) (adj.)
le lesesane - thin (05) (adj.)
le lesesane - tight (05) (adj.)
le lesootho - brown (dark ...) (05) (adj.)
le lesweu - white (05) (adj.)
le letala - green (05) (adj.)
le letenya - thick (05) (adj.)
le letjha - new (05) (adj.)
le letjhitja - round (05)
le letle - beautiful (05) (adj.)
le letle - good (05) (adj.)
le letle - pretty (05) (adj.)
le letona - male (05) (adj.)
le letonana - huge (05) (adj.)
le letshehadi - female (05) (adj.)
le letshehadi - feminine (05) (adj.)
le letsho - black (05) (adj.)
le letsho - dark (05) (adj.)
le tsitsitsele - stable (05) (adj.)
leamanyi (s.5) maamanyi (pl.6) - relative
leamanyi la lebitso - nominal relative
leba - copulative
leba - go towards (v.)
leba - look towards (v.)
lebaka (s.5) mabaka (pl.6) - cause (n.)
lebaka (s.5) mabaka (pl.6) - excuse (n.)
lebaka (s.5) mabaka (pl.6) - need (n.)
lebaka (s.5) mabaka (pl.6) - reason
leba-kamanyo - copulative
lebala - forget (v.)
lebala (s.5) mabala (pl.6) - court-yard
lebala (s.5) mabala (pl.6) - open ground
lebanta (s.5) - belt
lebatowa (s.5) mabatowa - region
lebejana (s.5) mabejana (pl.6) - cream
lebekere (s.5) mabekere (pl.6) - mug (<Afr: beker)
lebela - guard (v.)
lebela - watch (v.)
lebele (5) - grain of sorghum
lebele (s.5) mabele (pl.6) - mountain reedbuck
lebella - expect (v.)
lebelo - speed
lebelo - swift (adj.)
lebelo - swiftness
lebenkele (s.5) mabenkele (pl.6) - shop (Afr: winkel)
lebeola (s.5) mabeola (pl.10) - barber
lebeola (s.5) mabeola (pl.6) - shaver
lebese (s.5) mabese (pl.6) - milk (n.)
lebese la letswele - breast milk
lebese la mme - breast milk (mother's milk)
lebetse - forgot (v.)
lebidi (s.5) mabidi (pl.6) - wheel
lebisa - direct towards (v.)
lebitso (s.5) mabitso (pl.6) - name
lebitso (s.5) mabitso (pl.6) - noun
leboha - thank (v.)
lebokose (s.5) mabokose (pl.6) - box
lebokoso la poso (s.5) mabokoso a poso (pl.6) - postal box
lebollo - traditional initiation school
lebollo la basadi - female circumcision
lebone (s.5) mabone (pl.6) - lamp
lebone (s.5) mabone (pl.6) - light (n.)
lebopo (s.5) mabopo (pl.6) - bank (river ...)
lebota (s.5) mabota (pl.6) - wall
lebote (s.5) mabote (pl.6) - harm
lebotho (s.5) mabotho (pl.6) - regiment
leboya - north
ledimo (s.5) madimo (pl.6) - cannibal
leeba (s.5) - dove
leeme - partiality
leemedi (s.5) maemedi (pl.6) - pronoun
leemediqho (s.5) maemediqho (pl.6) - absolute pronoun
leeto (s.5) maeto (pl.6) - journey
leeto (s.5) maeto (pl.6) - travel (n.)
leetsani (s.5) maetsani (pl.6) - reciprocal verb
leetsi (s.5) maetsi (pl.6) - verb
leetsisi (s.5) maetsisi (pl.6) - causative verb
leetswa (s.5) maetswa (pl.6) - passive verb
lefa - pay (v.)
lefa (s.5) mafa (pl.6) - fortune
lefafatsane - drizzle (n.)
lefapha (s.5) mafapha (pl.6) - department
lefapha la sephethephethe - traffic department
lefatshe (s.5) mafatshe (pl.6) - country
lefatshe (s.5) mafatshe (pl.6) - earth
lefatshe (s.5) mafatshe (pl.6) - land
lefatshe (s.5) mafatshe (pl.6) - world
lefeela - insignificance
lefeela (s.5) mafeela (pl.6) - trifle
lefeela (s.5) mafeela (pl.6) - vanity
lefela - pay for (v.)
lefella (s.5) mafella (pl.6) - wilderness
lefetsa - avenge (v.)
lefetwa (s.5) mafetwa (pl.6) - spinster
lefielo (s.5) mafielo (pl.6) - broom
lefifi (s.5) mafifi (pl.6) - darkness
lefika (s.5) mafika (pl.6) - rock
lefika (s.5) mafika (s.6) - boulder
lefile - paid (v.)
lefiritshwane - spotted hyaena
lefjwa - paid (be ...) (v.)
lefokotsane (s.5) mafokotsane (pl.6) - swallow (n.)
lefu - death
lefu - disease
lefu la AIDS - aids
lefu la kelello - mental disease
lefu le bolayang - terminal disease
lefu le sa phekoleheng - incurable disease
lefu le se nang pheko - chronic disease
lefu le tshwaetsang ka thobalano - sexually transmitted disease
lefuba - TB
lefuba - tuberculosis
lefura (s.5) mafura (pl.6) - fat
leha - although
lehadima - lightning
lehae - residence
lehae (s.5) mahae (pl.6) - home
lehafi (s.5) mahafi (pl.6) - armpit
lehaha (s.5) mahaha (pl.6) - cave
lehaha (s.5) mahaha (pl.6) - cavity
lehapu (s.5) - watermelon
lehapu (s.5) mahapu (pl.6) - water melon
lehare - razor blade
lehatlelo - menstruation
lehe (s.5) mahe (pl.6) - egg
lehetla (s.5) mahetla (pl.6) - shoulder
lehlabathe - sand
lehlabo - awl
lehlabula - summer
lehlaka (s.5) mahlaka (pl.6) - reed
lehlakore (s.5) mahlakore (pl.6) - side
lehlakoreng - on the side
lehlaku (s.5) mahlaku (pl.6) - leaf
lehlasedi (s.5) mahlasedi (pl.6) - ray
lehlohonolo - fortunate
lehlohonolo (s.5) mahlohonolo (pl.6) - good fortune
lehlohonolo (s.5) mahlohonolo (pl.6) - luck
lehlokwana (s.5) mahlokwana (pl.6) - leaf of grass
lehlwa - snow
lehlwele - fetus
lehodimo (s.5) mahodimo (pl.6) - sky
lehodimo le hlakile - clear sky
lehola (s.5) mahola (pl.6) - weed (n.)
lehwetla - autumn
leifo (s.5) maifo (pl.6) - hearth
leihlo (s.5) mahlo (pl.6) - eye
leino (s.5) meno (pl.6) - tooth
lejwe (s.5) majwe (pl.6) - stone
leka - try (v.)
lekala (s.5) makala (pl.6) - branch
lekala (s.5) makala (pl.6) - division
lekana - equal (be ...) (v.)
lekanya - compare
lekanya - equal (make ...) (v.)
lekanyane - wild dog
lekgabunyane (s.5) makgabunyane (pl.6) - female servant
lekgala (s.5) makgala (pl.6) - crab
lekgalo (s.5) makgalo (pl.6) - kloof
lekgalo (s.5) makgalo (pl.6) - mountain pass
lekgathe (s.5) makgathe (pl.6) - tense
lekgathe le tlang - future tense
lekgethi (s.5) makgethi (pl.6) - adjective
lekgetho (s.5) makgetho (pl.6) - tax
lekgoba (s.5) makgoba (pl.6) - addict
lekgoba la dithethefatsi - drug addict
lekgolo - hundred
lekgopo - rash
lekgotla (s.5) makgotla (pl.6) - court (n.)
lekgotla la bolepi - weather bureau
lekgowa (s.5) makgowa (pl.6) - white person
lekgwaba (s.5) makgwaba (pl.6) - crow
lekote (s.5) makote (pl.6) - sod
lekunutu - confidential
lekunutu (s.5) makunutu (pl.6) - secret
Lekwa - Vaal River
lela (s.5) mala (pl.6) - bowel
lela (s.5) mala (pl.6) - intestine
lelakabe (s.5) malakabe (pl.6) - flame
lelapa (s.5) malapa (pl.6) - family
lelapa (s.5) malapa (pl.6) - household
lelapi (s.5) malapi (pl.6) - cloth
leleka - chase
leleme (s.5) maleme (pl.6) - language
leleme (s.5) maleme (pl.6) - tongue
lelera - roam (v.)
lema - plough (v.)
lemala - injured
lemati (s.5) - door
lematsa - wound (v.)
lemile - ploughed (v.)
lemme - ploughed (v.)
lemoha - be alert
lemoha - recognise (v.)
lemohile - found out (v.)
lempetje (s.5) mampetje (pl.6) - chameleon
lena - demonstrative pronoun (05) this
lenaka (s.5) manaka (pl.6) - horn (of animal)
lenala (s.5) manala (pl.6) - finger nail
lenane (s.5) manane (pl.5) - list
lengau (s.5) mangau (pl.6) - cheetah
lengau le metsero - king cheetah
lengetana (s.5) mangetana (pl.6) - broken piece of pottery
lengole (s.5) mangole (pl.6) - knee
lengolo (s.5) mangolo (pl.6) - letter
lengope (s.5) mangope (pl.6) - ditch
leno - demonstrative pronoun (05) that
lenong (s.5) manong (pl.6) - vulture
lentswe (s.5) mantswe (pl.6) - voice
lentswe (s.5) mantswe (pl.6) - word
Lentswe la Modimo - Word of God
lenyalo (s.5) manyalo (pl.6) - wedding
Lenyesemane (s.5) Manyesemane (pl.6) - English person
lenyora (s.5) manyora (pl.6) - thirst (n.)
leobu (s.5) maobu (pl.6) - slow person
leoto (s.5) maoto (pl.6) - foot
leoto (s.5) maoto (pl.6) - leg
leotsa - sharpen (v.)
lepetjo (s.5) mapetjo (pl.6) - motto
lepetjo (s.5) mapetjo (pl.6) - password
lephela (s.5) maphela (pl.6) - cockroach
lephethi (s.5) maphethi (pl.6) - perfect of verb
lepolesa (s.5) mapolesa (pl.6) - police officer
leqaqailana - ankle
leqaqailana la letsoho - wrist
leqaqane - civet
leqeba - cut (wound) (n.)
leqeba (s.5) maqeba (pl.6) - sore
leqeba (s.5) maqeba (pl.6) - wound (n.)
leqheka (s.5) maqheka (pl.6) - trick (n.)
leqheku (s.5) maqheku (pl.6) - aged person
leqheku (s.5) maqheku (pl.6) - old man
Leqhosa (s.5) Maqhosa (pl.6) - Xhosa person
lerako - hedge
leralla (s.5) maralla (pl.6) - hill
leralla (s.5) maralla (pl.6) - ridge
lerama (s.5) marama (pl.6) - cheek
lerapo (s.5) marapo (pl.6) - strap
lerapo (s.5) marapo (pl.6) - thong
lerata (s.5) marata (pl.6) - noise
lerato (s.5) marato (pl.6) - love (n.)
lere - stepladder (<Afr: leer)
lero (s.5) - juice
lero la botona - semen
lerole (s.5) marole (pl.6) - dust
leru (s.5) maru (pl.6) - cloud
leruarua (s.5) - whale
lerumo (s.5) marumo (pl.6) - spear
leruo (s.5) maruo (pl.6) - riches
leruo (s.5) maruo (pl.6) - wealth
lerwana (s.5) - ant
lesabasaba (s.5) masabasaba (pl.6) - grassy plain
lesaka (s.5) masaka (pl.6) - kraal
lesale (s.5) masale (pl.6) - ring (for finger or ear)
lesamane - Cape ground squirrel
lesamane le leputswa - grey squirrel
lesapo (s.5) masapo (pl.6) - bone
lesea (s.5) masea (pl.6) - baby
lesea (s.5) masea (pl.6) - infant
lesea le anyang letswele - breast-fed baby
lesea le eso tswalwe - unborn baby
lesedi (s.6) masedi (pl.6) - light (n.)
lesela (s.5) masela (pl.6) - cloth
lesela la dijana - dish cloth
lesele - different (05)
lesele - strange (05)
lesenke (s.5) masenke (pl.6) - corrugated iron
lesetlaoka (s.5) masetlaoka (pl.6) - termite
leshano (s.5) mashano (pl.6) - lie (n.)
leshano (s.5) mashano (pl.6) - untruth
leshodu (s.5) mashodu (pl.6) - thief
leshome - ten
leshome le metso e mehlano - fifteen
leshome le metso e mene - fourteen
leshome le metso e meraro - thirteen
leshome le metso e mmedi - twelve
leshome le metso e robedi - eighteen
leshome le metso e robong - nineteen
leshome le metso e supileng - seventeen
leshome le metso e tsheletseng - sixteen
leshome le motso o mong - eleven
lesira - mask
lesoba (s.5) masoba (pl.6) - escape (n.)
lesoba (s.5) masoba (pl.6) - hole (through something)
lesoba (s.5) masoba (pl.6) - punch (n.)
lesoha (s.5) masoha (pl.6) - bachelor
lesole (s.5) masole (pl.6) - soldier
letamo (s.5) matamo (pl.6) - dam
letangwana la ho sesetsa - swimming pool
letata (s.5) matata (pl.6) - wild duck
letheka (s.5) matheka (pl.6) - waist
letho - something
lethodile - red hartebeest
lethopo - hosepipe
lethwathwarathwara - thunder
letipa (s.5) matipa (pl.6) - gay (person)
letipa (s.5) matipa (pl.6) - homosexual
letise (s.5) matise (pl.6) - lettuce
letlakala (s.5) matlakala (pl.6) - refuse (n.)
letlalo (s.5) matlalo (pl.6) - skin
letlotlo (s.5) matlotlo (pl.6) - treasure
letodi - mongoose
letona (s.5) matona (pl.6) - headman
letsa (s.5) - buck
letsa (s.5) matsa (pl.6) - springbuck
letsa (s.9) diletsa (pl.10) - roan antelope
letsatsi (s.5) matsatsi (pl.6) - day
letsatsi (s.5) matsatsi (pl.6) - sun
letsatsi la phomolo (s.5) matsatsi a phomolo (pl.6) - public holiday
letsatsi la tlhaho (s.5) matsatsi a tlhaho (pl.6) - birthday
letsatsi le hlahlamang (s.5) - following day
letsatsi le latelang hosasa (s.5) - day after tomorrow
letsatsi le monate la tswalo - happy birthday
letsha (s.5) matsha (pl.6) - lake
letsha (s.5) matsha (pl.6) - pond
letsha la ho sesa - swimming pool
letshanyana (s.5) matshanyana (p.6) - pool (swimming)
letshanyana (s.5) matshanyana (p.6) - swimming bath
letshollo - diarrhoea
letsholo (s.5) matsholo (pl.6) - expedition
letsholo (s.5) matsholo (pl.6) - hunting party
letshwafo (s.5) matshwafo (pl.6) - lung
letshwao - symptom
letshwao (s.5) matshwao (pl.6) - mark (n.)
letshwao (s.5) matshwao (pl.6) - seal (n.)
letshwao (s.5) matshwao (pl.6) - sign (n.)
letsoho (s.5) matsoho (pl.6) - arm
letsoho (s.5) matsoho (pl.6) - hand
letsopa (s.5) matsopa (pl.6) - clay
letsopa (s.5) matsopa (pl.6) - plasticine
letswabadi - blister
letswai (s.5) matswai (pl.6) - salt
letswalo (s.5) matswalo (pl.6) - fear (n.)
letswele (s.5) matswele (pl.6) - breast
levenkele (s.5) mavenkele (pl.6) - shop (Afr: winkel)
lewatle (s.5) - sea
Lezulu (s.5) Mazulu (pl.6) - Zulu person
lla - cry (v.)
loha - braid (v.)
loha - knit (v.)
loha - plait (v.)
loha - weave (v.)
lohela - braid for (v.)
lohela - knit for (v.)
lohela - plait for (v.)
lohela - weave for (v.)
lohle - all (05) (quantitative pronoun)
loka - right (become ...) (v.)
lokile - right (is ...) (v.)
lokisa - correct (v.)
lokisa - improve
lokisa - prepare (v.)
lokisa - right (put ...) (v.)
lokiseditse - prepared for (v.)
lokisitse - prepared (v.)
lokiswa - right (be put ...) (v.)
lokolla - loosen
lokoloha - loose (become ...) (v.)
loma - bite (v.)
lona - it / he / she (05) (absolute pronoun)
lona - possessive pronoun (05)
lona - you (plural) (absolute pronoun)
lonya - cruel
lora - dream (v.)
lori (s.9) dilori (p.10) - lorry
lotha - propose riddle (v.)
lotha - puzzle (v.)
loti (s.5) maloti (pl.6) - mountain
loya - bewitch (v.)
lwana - argue (v.)
lwanne - fought
lwantsha - oppose (v.)
lwantshitse - opposed (v.)
Lwetse - September
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